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Shahdol District.
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India >>
Madhya Pradesh
Division : Shahdol
Head Quarters : Shahdol
Language : Hindi and Bagelkhand
Area: 5671 sq. km
Population : 1064989
Sex Ratio : 968
Density : 172/ sq. km
Literacy : 68.36
Elevation / Altitude: 494 - 353 meters. Above Seal level
Current Time 02:01 PM
Date: Thursday , Dec 12,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
District Pin code Index: 484XXX
Vehicle Registration Number: MP-18
RTO Office: Shahdol
Head Quarters : Shahdol
Language : Hindi and Bagelkhand
Area: 5671 sq. km
Population : 1064989
Sex Ratio : 968
Density : 172/ sq. km
Literacy : 68.36
Elevation / Altitude: 494 - 353 meters. Above Seal level
Current Time 02:01 PM
Date: Thursday , Dec 12,2024 (IST)
Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30)
District Pin code Index: 484XXX
Vehicle Registration Number: MP-18
RTO Office: Shahdol
Tourist Places near Shahdol
Amarkantak Bandhavgarh National Park Baikunthpur Maihar Rewa Kanha National park
Amarkantak Bandhavgarh National Park Baikunthpur Maihar Rewa Kanha National park
Shahdol District Map
LOADING Shahdol District MAP with Borders and Tehsils ......
Current Corona Virus Infected Patients Count in Shahdol District
City Name | District Name | Total Covid cases |
Shahdol Live Weather
Temperature: 22.0 °C
scattered clouds
Humidity: 23%
Wind : 1.5 mt/sec towards NE
StationName : "Shahdol"
observed on 2 Hours Back
Temperature: 22.0 °C
scattered clouds
Humidity: 23%
Wind : 1.5 mt/sec towards NE
StationName : "Shahdol"
observed on 2 Hours Back
Shahdol Weather Forecast for Next 5 days
9.5°C to 25.0°C
scattered clouds, clear sky, few clouds, broken clouds
9.5°C to 25.0°C
scattered clouds, clear sky, few clouds, broken clouds
8.3°C to 23.9°C
broken clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky, few clouds
8.3°C to 23.9°C
broken clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky, few clouds
7.5°C to 24.3°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, few clouds
7.5°C to 24.3°C
clear sky, scattered clouds, few clouds
8.2°C to 24.9°C
few clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky
8.2°C to 24.9°C
few clouds, broken clouds, scattered clouds, clear sky
8.3°C to 25.2°C
clear sky, few clouds
8.3°C to 25.2°C
clear sky, few clouds
Temples in Shahdol
About Shahdol District
Shahdol District is one among 50 Districts of Madhya Pradesh State ,India. Shahdol District Administrative head quarter is Shahdol. It is is Located 472 KM west towards State capital Bhopal . Shahdol District population is 1064989. It is 36 th Largest District in the State by population.Geography and Climate Shahdol District
It is Located at Latitude-23.3, Longitude-81.3. Shahdol District is sharing border with Anuppur District to the East , Sidhi District to the North , Umaria District to the west . Shahdol District occupies an area of approximately 5671 square kilometres. . Its in the 494 meters to 353 meters elevation range.This District belongs to Hindi Belt India .DemoGraphics of Shahdol District
Hindi is the Local Language here. Also People Speaks Bagelkhand . Shahdol District is divided into 6 Tehsils , 235 Panchayats , 832 Villages. Jaisinghnagar Tehsil is the Smallest Tehsil by population with 161717 population. Sohagpur Tehsil is the Biggest Tehsil by population with 469242 population.Census 2011 of Shahdol District
Shahdol district Total population is 1064989 according to census 2011.Males are 541153 and Females are 523836 .Literate people are 704597 among total.Its total area is 5671 sq.km. It is the 36 th largest district in the state by Population . But 30 th Largest District in the state By Area. 423 rd Largest District in the Country By Population. 29 th highest District in the State By literacy rate. 428 th highest District in the Country By literacy rate.its literacy Rate is 68.36Politics in Shahdol District
Bharatiya Janata Party , BJP , INC are the major political parties in Shahdol District.Assembly constituencies in Shahdol District
Total 4 Assembly constituencies in Shahdol District.Constituency name | MLA name | Party |
Beohari | Sharad Juglal Kol | BJP |
Jaisinghnagar | Manisha Singh | BJP |
Jaitpur | Jaisingh Maravi | BJP |
Manpur | Meena Singh | BJP |
Parliament constituencies in Shahdol District
Total 2 Parliament constituencies in Shahdol District.Constituency name | MP name | Party |
Shahdol | HIMADRI SINGH | Bharatiya Janata Party |
Sidhi | Riti Pathak | Bharatiya Janata Party |
Shahdol District Political Map
Shahdol Commerce
Total Registered Comapnies with Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in Shahdol are 75Company Name : KISAN MINERAL PRIVATE LIMITED
Type Of Business : Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof)
Capital : 4.6 Crores
Type Of Business : Mining & Quarrying
Capital : 1.1365 Crores
Type Of Business : Business Services
Capital : 51.0 Lakhs
Type Of Business : Manufacturing (Machinery & Equipments)
Capital : 25.0 Lakhs
More Shahdol Registered Companies
Shahdol District Tourism
Shahdol Transport
Road Transport
District Headquarters Shahdol is well connected by road . Shahdol is about 472 KM by road to Bhopal( Capital of Madhya Pradesh )Rail Transport
Some of the rail way stations in district are Shahdol , Burhar , Amlai , Singhpur , Beohari , Badhwabara , Dubri Kalan , Chhataini .... which connects most of the towns and villages in the District.Bus Transport
Pin Codes in Shahdol District
( Burhar ) ,
( Dhanpuri ) ,
( Bijuri ) ,
( Jaitpur (Shahdol)) ,
( Jaisinghnagar ) ,
( Shahdol ) ,
( Bansagar ) ,
( Gohparu ) ,
( Rajendragram ) ,
( Amlai Paper Mills ) ,
( Jamuna Colliery ) ,
( Rajnagar Colliery ) ,
( S.K. Nagar ) ,
( Beohari ) ,
more PinCodes
Hotels in Shahdol
BusStops in Shahdol Lakes in Shahdol Temples in Shahdol Shops in Shahdol Shahdol Hospitals Hotel/Restaurants in Shahdol Shahdol RailwayStations Shahdol BusStops ATM in Shahdol
Near Cities
Shahdol 2 KM near
Pali 34 KM near
Nowrozabad 44 KM near
Pasan 70 KM near
Near By Air Ports
Jabalpur Airport 182 KM near
Khajuraho Airport 249 KM near
Raipur Airport 268 KM near
Bamrauli Airport 268 KM near
Near By Districts
Shahdol 0 KM near
Anuppur 45 KM near
Dindori 55 KM near
Umaria 65 KM near